Parallel Windsor logo in black against image of windsor castle

The Festival of Inclusivity with challenge events
for all ages, health conditions & abilities

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Early-bird tickets on sale now
for Parallel Windsor 2024

Sunday 6th July 2025


Parallel Windsor is a Festival of Inclusivity with Challenge Events for all ages, health conditions & abilities. Held in the grounds of the majestic Windsor Great Park & staged on the iconic Long Walk. To find out more; watch our highlights film

Parallel Windsor is a Festival of Inclusivity with Challenge Events for all ages, health conditions & abilities. Held in the grounds of the majestic Windsor Great Park & staged on the iconic Long Walk. To find out more; watch our Highlights Film from Parallel Windsor 2023:


Parallel Windsor features a range of challenge events for all ages, health conditions and abilities. Walk, push or run - there are no cut off times. Start Together, Finish Whenever!

Walk, push or run - there are no cut off times.
'Start Together, Finish Whenever'.

Everybody who starts gets a medal, t-shirt & goody bag. Choose from: 100m, 1K, 5K, 10K or our very own SuperSensory 1K. Parallel’s innovative SuperSensory 1K supports neurodiversity and participants with profound and multiple disabilities to exercise their senses over a series of challenges such as responding to sound, taste, and touch.

There is also the option to purchase a Virtual Entry ticket.
All Virtual entries receive a medal & t-shirt.

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Parallel Windsor features a range of challenge events for all ages, health conditions and abilities. Walk, push or run - there are no cut off times. Start Together, Finish Whenever!

Walk, push or run - there are no cut off times.
'Start Together, Finish Whenever'.

Everybody who starts gets a medal, t-shirt & goody bag. Choose from: 100m, 1K, 5K, 10K or our very own SuperSensory 1K. Parallel’s innovative SuperSensory 1K supports neurodiversity and participants with profound and multiple disabilities to exercise their senses over a series of challenges such as responding to sound, taste, and touch.

There is also the option to purchase a Virtual Entry ticket.
All Virtual entries receive a medal & t-shirt.

book now

About IDPD 


IDPD has been slowly picking up momentum in the UK. The main activity is #PurpleLightUpHowever,  this ‘movement’ appeals mainly to larger businesses, where the measure of success appears to be
the number of corporate buildings lighting up purple.

The call to action is for businesses to join memberships of
the same people organising the campaign.

Can we ‘light up’  the message behind IDPD in a more engaging way?

About IDPD 


IDPD has been slowly picking up momentum in the UK. The main activity is #PurpleLightUpHowever,  this ‘movement’ appeals mainly to larger businesses, where the measure of success appears to be
the number of corporate buildings lighting up purple.

The call to action is for businesses to join memberships of
the same people organising the campaign.

Can we ‘light up’  the message behind IDPD in a more engaging way?

Festival of


A fun & fully accessible family festival for all

Featuring themed entertainment & activities


Image of James Holt in a blazer.5 piece Bournemouth symphony orchestra musicians, standing on a white backdrop, all dressed in black.




The Parallel Beats Stage - Talks

Main Performance Stage -

Food Village;
including thefamous
'Clusivity Inn'

Button text


Hero overlay

festival of


announcing partners soon!

Hero overlay



About IDPD 


IDPD has been slowly picking up momentum in the UK. The main activity is #PurpleLightUpHowever,  this ‘movement’ appeals mainly to larger businesses, where the measure of success appears to be
the number of corporate buildings lighting up purple.

The call to action is for businesses to join memberships of
the same people organising the campaign.

Can we ‘light up’  the message behind IDPD in a more engaging way?

The Home Of No Limits Living written in large white bold text


Button text
Claudia & Andrew Douglass standing in front of a building holding awards.

friends of parallel

Everybody needs friends. We are lucky enough to count many kindred spirits and amazing organisations as part of our Parallel Community.

All of our friends share our passion for disability inclusion and we would like to share as many of them with you, as we possibly can. Check them out

Windsor Great Park logo
Windsor & Maidenhead logo
Meaningful Business logo
Innovision logo
Innovision logo

Corporate Partners & Sponsors

Hero overlay

Button text
A navy wordmark that reads Sure Nonstop Protection
A navy crest icon with a white G to it's right the wordmark of the same colour reads Goyals, which is written all in capitals
chamiah dewey fashion logo in black with regal font
A black Legoland logo with the word lego in a red box to the left of the N of the word legoland.
A read icon with a upside down white horseshoe shaped symbol, the black text word mark to its right reads Lululemon.
A Blue box with 3 differing sized white and light blue swirls on the top and bottom, the logo in the centre reads Strathmore.
A red and blue icon of windsor castle, there is a blue illustrated bush and the words Visit Windsor below it with half of a union jack flag
Windsor & Eton Brewery black logo with a illustration of windsor bridge and the tower from the windsor castle over it.


Walk, push or run - there are no cut off times.
'Start Together, Finish Whenever'.

Everybody who starts gets a medal, t-shirt & goody bag. Choose from: 100m, 1K, 5K, 10K or our very own SuperSensory. Parallel’s innovative SuperSensory supports neurodiversity & participants with profound & multiple learning disabilities to exercise their senses over a series of challenges such as engaging with sound, taste, touch, & smell.

There is also the option to purchase a Virtual Entry ticket. All Virtual entries receive a medal & t-shirt.

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11.00       Start
11.15        10K
11.30       5K
13.00       1K
13.30       100m
14.30       Greatest Dancer Challenge
16.00       SuperSensory
17.00       Close

*timings are subject to change

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Our fully accessible festival, offers a huge range of activities & entertainment:


As a fully accessible event, Parallel Windsor has on-site parking, accessible toilets (including RevoLOOs), medical support, sensory space & quiet space. All support & assistance animals are welcome.

… & other stakeholders & Friends of Parallel who embrace our
PURPOSE & support our socialmission...

The Crown Estate logo
A horizontal Windsor & Maidenhead logo
Naidex red horizontal logo
Globe with Meaningful Business logo inside and rainbow wheel of colours on the outside.
Innovision Tangram Logo
Orange stacked Friendli logo with click through

friends of parallel

We are lucky enough to count many kindred spirits & amazing organisations as part of our Parallel Community. Our friends are passionate about disability inclusion.

Ambassador Nick sitting in armchair

Lord Shaftesbury

Mark Webb in the park

Mark Webb

Sam Renke is smiling and whilst wearing a red dress

Samantha Renke

Jo Grace side profile of her smiling

Jo Grace

Sally Philips smiling at the camera.

Sally Phillips

Shani is looking off confident with her arms on her sides in a black dress

Shani Dhanda

Chloe Hammond is sitting in her wheel chair with a Parallel medal round her neck whilst her guide dog Ocho is sitting beside her wearing a red dog tag

Chloe Hammond & Ocho

Chloe Hammond is sitting in her wheel chair with a Parallel medal round her neck whilst her guide dog Ocho is sitting beside her wearing a red dog tag

Marcus Mason-Williams

A navy wordmark that reads Sure Nonstop Protection

Sponsors, Partners & Supporters

A red and blue icon of windsor castle, there is a blue illustrated bush and the words Visit Windsor below it with half of a union jack flagThe Crown Estate logo in uppercase regal lettering there is a black crown under the top line of text Absolute mobility logo with a multi coloured heart icon to the left of the textMil Pet Photography Logo in blue text with teal circle on the i

Media Partners

Start Together,
Finish Whenever

A range of fully accessible challenge events with no cut off times

10km, 5km, 1km, supersernsory 1km, 100m

Push, run or walk

Get active & get social with no barriers for age or ability

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